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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Baicu Mihaela
16 participanți

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Lun 26 Noi 2007 - 17:11

I promise baby I'll love you
with you forever I'll stay
I'll do anything and everything
To keep harm to you away

I promise baby I can give you hugs
That only I can give
I'll honor and protect you
As long as I shall live

I promise baby I'll give you kisses
So sweet forever you'll taste
I'll kiss you until tomorrows here
No kisses for you to waste

I promise baby I'll be here with you
Like I know you'll be there for me
I'll bring happiness to your eyes
Love deeper than the sea

I promise baby I'll never hurt you
forever have no fears
I'll give up everything
To see you cry no tears

I promise baby you can trust me
I'll give you the world and more
I'll be your fairytale suitor
You shall be my Cinderella girl

I promise baby I'll treat you
As every women shall be
My beautiful royal princess
Show you off for everyone to see

I promise baby this to you
Promises so deep
than he said, " But I'm truly sorry,
there isn't one that I did keep."

Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 657652
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Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Lun 26 Noi 2007 - 17:15

I saw you yesterday
You just seemed to pass me by
I froze where I was standing
Didn't even know how to say hi.

Like a queen on her throne
You sometimes sit right there
I cant help but watch you
Although I know its rude to stare

A sort of dumbness strikes me
Whenever you smile
I do not feel ashamed though
For your presence makes it worthwhile

Lost for words when I'm near you
Stuck to my tongue like glue
A marvelous wonder from heaven
Standing only five foot two

Hoping to gather enough courage
To speak to you in some way
My heart has a strong feeling
That today might just be that day
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Lun 26 Noi 2007 - 17:16

I look at the clock,
it says 1:41,
i know thinking of you,
ill never be done,

you run through my mind,
and occupy all my time,
wondering why you're gone,
and why you're not mine,

i think of you constantly,
for some reason i cant stop,
knowing that for always,
you'll forever have my heart,

my days go by so slow,
cause you run through my head,
i said I'd love you forever,
isn't that enough said,

you also haunt my dreams,
if you know what i mean,
i wake up often,
with sweats and screams,

why do i sleep by myself,
I'm alone in my bed,
i know I'll be thinking of you,
till the day i am dead,

now still all these thoughts,
just run through my brain,
cant stop thinking of Nicole,
i think i'm going insane,

i feel i wanna kill myself,
people say thats not what to do,
but i turn and look at the clock,
and it says it's only 1:42....
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Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Lun 26 Noi 2007 - 17:20

I know I promised I'd never make you cry;
I know it hurts but please dry your eyes.

I will give to you whatever you need;
A hug, a kiss, just tells me please.

To see you cry is a terrible sight;
Just let me love you and I'll hold you tight.

I'll do anything you want to make you proud;
I'll climb the highest peak and yell your name aloud.

I love you to much to see you cry;
Please sweetheart don't say goodbye.

Don't push me away I must stay near;
To gently wipe away your tears.

If we must truly say goodbye;
One more time just close your eyes.

And let us share one final kiss;
For you are the love, I will forever miss.
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
Varsta : 33
Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Baicu Mihaela Mar 27 Noi 2007 - 20:53

g3org3lutu...esti plin de inspiratie... Question ...could it be love? Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 82211
Baicu Mihaela
Baicu Mihaela
membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 43
Data de inscriere : 15/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Al|n Mar 27 Noi 2007 - 20:56

Baicu Mihaela a scris: ...could it be love? Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 82211
Cu siguranta.

Numarul mesajelor : 808
Varsta : 52
Location : Nu unde as vrea...
Data de inscriere : 11/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de amelia Mier 28 Noi 2007 - 16:15

cu sigurantza...acum ne-a si comfirmat..Razz
membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 122
Data de inscriere : 12/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mier 28 Noi 2007 - 20:05

va spun vineri la ora detali dak vreti mai mult teacher
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senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mier 28 Noi 2007 - 20:11

aci altu read

I dream sometimes of a perfect world
Where I am with the perfect girl
Whose beauty goes beyond any grace?
I dream of her in my special place
I wake, however to my surprise
To find myself looking in her eyes
The girl of my dream has become real
I touch her face and beauty I feel
Her soft skin and softer eyes
Her moist pink lips I watch devise
A plot to intertwine with mine
A plot I think is quite divine
I pinch myself, for it just can�t be
No woman like this could be with me
No woman-- so beautiful, so kind
Could be with a man with stature like mine
Alas, by some evil she must be cursed
Bound to me, had her lips forced pursed
But the look in her eyes is that of love
No, this woman must be a blessing from above
A gift from the heavens from some sort of god
As my heart swells with some sort of sod
I accept the kiss her lips did plot
No sweeter nectar has ever been brought
From anything ever made by man
Nor by any plot nor plan
So now I pray every day when I awake
Those lips will be pursed and mine to take
And those eyes will remain soft and full of love
And though I don�t deserve this gift from above
She will remain with me for all of my days
For this alone I will give praise
For nothing else has been bequest
That may give me such happiness.
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
Varsta : 33
Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Ligy Sam 8 Dec 2007 - 20:01

The Definition of Love

My love is of a birth as rare
As 'tis for object strange and high;
It was begotten by Despair
Upon Impossibility.

Magnanimous Despair alone
Could show me so divine a thing
Where feeble Hope could ne'er have flown,
But vainly flapp'd its tinsel wing.

And yet I quickly might arrive
Where my extended soul is fixt,
But Fate does iron wedges drive,
And always crowds itself betwixt.

For Fate with jealous eye does see
Two perfect loves, nor lets them close;
Their union would her ruin be,
And her tyrannic pow'r depose.

And therefore her decrees of steel
Us as the distant poles have plac'd,
(Though love's whole world on us doth wheel)
Not by themselves to be embrac'd;

Unless the giddy heaven fall,
And earth some new convulsion tear;
And, us to join, the world should all
Be cramp'd into a planisphere.

As lines, so loves oblique may well
Themselves in every angle greet;
But ours so truly parallel,
Though infinite, can never meet.

Therefore the love which us doth bind,
But Fate so enviously debars,
Is the conjunction of the mind,
And opposition of the stars.

membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 594
Varsta : 32
Location : n`am
Data de inscriere : 19/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Ligy Sam 8 Dec 2007 - 20:17

Am racit

am racit ingrozitor ...
ma doare`n gat de mor
mucii`mi se preling usor
am racit nasol

incep sa vad in ceatza
okii`mi lacrimeaza
nu vad nimik in fatza
incerc sa mai stau treaza

simt ! ma ia q lesin
totu se invarte
in ksa este cald si`n
minte`s ganduri scurte

si iar imi curge nasu
batista mea o vreau
si iar imi soona ceasu
pastila sa mio iau

membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 594
Varsta : 32
Location : n`am
Data de inscriere : 19/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Al|n Sam 8 Dec 2007 - 23:53

Din nou tone de romantism, domnisoara Ligy....

Numarul mesajelor : 808
Varsta : 52
Location : Nu unde as vrea...
Data de inscriere : 11/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Ligy Dum 9 Dec 2007 - 7:42

de plictiseala mai postez si eu niste poezii Smile

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membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 594
Varsta : 32
Location : n`am
Data de inscriere : 19/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Emanuel Dum 9 Dec 2007 - 9:28

Ligy vezi ca-ti explodeaza globu ala in mana....de la avatar..
membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 712
Varsta : 32
Location : Într-un sat măricel, un oraş forţat.
Data de inscriere : 16/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Ligy Dum 9 Dec 2007 - 10:14

ii blitzu de la aparat Smile))

membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 594
Varsta : 32
Location : n`am
Data de inscriere : 19/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Ax3ll Dum 27 Apr 2008 - 16:54

poetry suck's

Numarul mesajelor : 35
Data de inscriere : 16/04/2008

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de Dorin Dum 27 Apr 2008 - 21:35

Angels are close to me,
You are close to me
Everything it's like it should be...
Listen music and you'll see
That life is not so easy...

made by me....
membru fondator
membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 625
Location : Everywhere
Data de inscriere : 11/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mier 24 Sept 2008 - 14:47

am revenit Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 229278 iata 1 din zilele frumoase de dragoste pe care iubi

Ai aparut in viata mea ca o puternica raza de soare ce mi-a adus
in suflet caldura si gingasia nesfarsita , cu zambetul tau m-ai invatat
sa cunosc blandetea pana atunci necunoscuta … sarutul tau mi-a daruit
dulceata nemaintalnita , ochii tai senini mi-au aratat ca dragostea
exista , iar tandretea si frumusetea sufletului tau mi-au cucerit inima…

i love it Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 657652 Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 922709
senior member
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Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mier 24 Sept 2008 - 15:00

Cause I liked the view
Thought you felt it too
When there was me and you
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senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Joi 25 Sept 2008 - 20:11

I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
Thats coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
Varsta : 33
Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Joi 25 Sept 2008 - 20:34

Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 922709 din partea mea pt totzy indragostitii

Tu boca a lado de la mia se transforme en un beso! Un beso de ti
es un sueno , un sueno que yo lo amo! Te quiero y te voy amar siempre ,mi amor , mi dulce amor.....
Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 657652 Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 657652 Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 568154 I love you
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senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Dum 28 Sept 2008 - 13:26

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

asta is luate din piesa mea preferata dar vor urma in urmatoarele zile cv superr
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Dum 28 Sept 2008 - 13:37

iar asta ma rugat din tot sufletul sa o pun cu dedicatiea pt toti cei raniti din dragoste

Ai crezut ca averea ta ma poate cumpara
Dar te-ai inselat, pentru mine n-a contat.
Si iti repet ca eu nu vreau doar banii tai
Eu caut altceva
Vreau un suflet cald si o dragoste langa inima mea.

pt.toti cei raniti din dragosate
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Our favorite poems...in english or romanian... - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Our favorite poems...in english or romanian...

Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mar 7 Oct 2008 - 19:40

ita niste poema cam scurte dupap parerea mea

1) De-as fi apa n-as mai avea nevoie de lacrimi, de-as fi
foc n-as mai avea nevoie de caldura, de-ai fi doar a mea n-as mai avea nevoie
de nimic

2) I-am cerut lui Dumnezeu o floare si mi-a dat o
gradina. I-am cerut un pahar de apa si mi-a dat un ocean. I-am mai cerut un inger si
mi te-a dat pe tine

Ultima editare efectuata de catre g3org3lutu in Mar 7 Oct 2008 - 19:43, editata de 1 ori
senior member
senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
Varsta : 33
Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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Mesaj Scris de g3org3lutu Mar 7 Oct 2008 - 19:40

astept shi din parte altor user niste peme cat de mici nu ma supar need HELP
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senior member

Numarul mesajelor : 288
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Location : ce te intereseaza pe tine .........=))
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2007

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