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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Empty cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

Mesaj Scris de red_light Mier 10 Sept 2008 - 9:11

incercarea recreeri momentului nasterii universului, renumitului Big Bang:

AS THE world's largest and most expensive science experiment, the
new particle accelerator buried 100 metres beneath the Alpine foothills
along the Swiss-French border is 27.3 kilometres long and up to 12
storeys high. It weighs 2 billion kilograms, and is designed to
generate temperatures of more than a trillion degrees.The Large
Hadron Collider is aiming to unlock the secrets of how the universe
began. Scientists will use it to try to recreate the conditions that
existed just a fraction of a second after the Big Bang — the birth of
the universe — by smashing pieces of atoms together at high speed.From
today, it will be completely closed off while technicians make the
final preparations before it is turned on in July when, it is hoped, it
will begin revealing what the matter and energy that created the
universe was really like.What happens afterwards could change our understanding of the world.Most
experts believe the explosions created when the particles hit each
other will reveal the basic building blocks of everything around us.
There are some, however, who fear it could destroy the planet.A
lawsuit filed last week by environmentalists in Hawaii is seeking a
restraining order preventing the European Nuclear Research Centre
(CERN) from switching it on for fear it could create a black hole that
will suck up all life on Earth."We are going to see new types of
matter we haven't been able to see before," said Professor Frank Close,
a particle physicist at Oxford University. "The idea that it could
cause the end of the world is ridiculous."Housed in a
subterranean lair that would provide a suitable home for a Hollywood
super-villain, it is hardly surprising there are conspiracy theories
surrounding the work being carried out on the collider.The tunnel is large enough to drive a train through and to reach it requires a two-minute lift journey from ground level.Atomic
particles will spiral though a series of rings lined with powerful
magnets that will accelerate the particles until they reach speeds
close to the speed of light. Each particle will race around the
27.3-kilometre ring 11,245 times every second before being smashed
headlong into each other, breaking into their component parts and
releasing huge amounts of energy and debris.The temperatures
produced by these collisions will be 100,000 times hotter than the
centre of the sun and scientists believe this will be powerful enough
to reveal the first particles that existed in the moments immediately
after the birth of the universe.
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Numarul mesajelor : 336
Varsta : 36
Location : stei
Data de inscriere : 20/10/2007


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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Empty Re: cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

Mesaj Scris de red_light Mier 10 Sept 2008 - 9:12

This massive experiment will create more than 15 million gigabytes
of data every year — the equivalent of 21.4 million CDs. The scientists
have had to design a new form of the internet to cope with the data.Among
the particles the scientists will hunt for is the Higgs boson, a
cornerstone of modern physics that is thought to be responsible for
giving every other particle a mass, or weight.Immediately after
the Big Bang, all particles are thought to have had no mass at all. As
the temperature cooled, the Higgs boson "stuck" to them, making them
heavy. Some particles are more "sticky" than others and so gain more
weight.One part of the experiment, dubbed ALICE, will recreate
the superheated gas, or plasma, that existed when the universe was
formed.The collider may also reveal more exotic phenomena such
as anti-matter, the opposite of ordinary matter, mini black holes and
even extra dimensions."At the level of energy we will be
creating, normal matter doesn't exist. I expect we will see some things
that are entirely new and could turn our current understanding of
physics on its head," said Dr David Evans, a physicist from Birmingham
University, who has been working on the ALICE project. TELEGRAPH
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Numarul mesajelor : 336
Varsta : 36
Location : stei
Data de inscriere : 20/10/2007


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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Empty Re: cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

Mesaj Scris de red_light Mier 10 Sept 2008 - 9:12

cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Majmagnet_wideweb__470x311,0

cam asha arata o mica parte din acceleratorul de particule folosit la experiment
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membru fondator

Numarul mesajelor : 336
Varsta : 36
Location : stei
Data de inscriere : 20/10/2007


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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Empty Re: cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

Mesaj Scris de Igas Dum 14 Sept 2008 - 16:54

Interesant. Puteai sa traduci, si era si mai bine.

Numarul mesajelor : 173
Varsta : 59
Location : Stei
Data de inscriere : 15/10/2007

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cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi Empty Re: cateva cuvinte despre marele experiment de azi

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